Primavera P6 Advanced Topics Training
This course provides students with a deep dive into resource loading and analysis, including an advanced look at leveling resources. It also provides information regarding the various types of Percent Competes and their impact on Earned Value. Additionally, it covers the effects of scheduling settings, the use of User Defined Fields, Global Changes, alternative methods of updating project progress, and using the Scheduling Comparison Tool.
Our trainers for this course are all Project Management Professionals and Certified Primavera Trainers with over 30 years of practical experience each.
To learn more about our Oracle Primavera training classes, call (469) 467-9221 and speak to one of our Oracle Primavera P6 experts today.
Advanced Resource Analysis
- Resource Usage Profile
- Resource Usage Spreadsheet
- Resource Assignments Window
Advanced Resource Loading
- Using Lags and Duration in Resource Assignments
- Resource Curves
- Viewing Curves
- Creating Curves
- Applying a Curve
- Bucket Planning
- Prerequisites
- Editing a Resource Assignment using Bucket Planning
- Splitting work using Bucket Planning
Advanced Resource Leveling Analysis
Percent Completes
Earned Value
Advanced Scheduling Settings
User Defined Fields
Global Changes
Alternative methods of progressing
- Apply Actuals
- Update Progress
Schedule Comparison